LEE ANN WOMACK, “A LITTLE PAST LITTLE ROCK” Overdrive: Banks became the early pace car for limber rhymes in 2010s hip-hop with the lyric, “I’m so fly, I’m so ferry and the way I flow is very/ Ginsu or machete, way my pencil move is deadly.” - DARLENE ADEROJUĩ7. Make and Model: A hip-hop classic from 2010, “Beamer, Benz or Bentley” finds Lloyd Banks and Juelz Santana lyrically flexing about all the perks of being fresh, fly and so damn high.įuel Economy: With rhymes and bars that flow as fast as a 500-horsepower engine, Banks and Santana’s raps perfectly ride the track’s electric beat. Overdrive: Rumors are that Mitchell wrote the song about Jackson Browne or Glenn Frey, but we owe whoever kept her waiting a debt of thanks for inspiring such lines as “Fast tires come screaming around the bend/ But there’s still no buzzer/ They roll on/ And I’m waiting for his car on the hill.” - MELINDA NEWMANĩ8. Make and Model: Mitchell turns waiting for her absent lover to arrive into a sonic masterpiece that sounds as innovative, ambitious and magical today as it did when it came out nearly 50 years ago on 1974’s Court and Spark.įuel Economy: Mitchell perfectly captures her fears that her once red-hot romance has turned tepid as her man is three hours late - and counting - but it’s the shifting tempos, bleating horns and choral interlude,all surrounding a funky beat, that keep the listener captivated. Overdrive: “Who’s gonna drive you home tonight?” All the history, intimacy, trust and distance of a relationship in one six-word question from motorist to passenger.